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Dealing with emotional and aggressive clients

Are your employees regularly confronted with heavy emotions and aggressive behavior at work? In this ‘Dealing with emotional and aggressive clients training, employees learn how to deal with emotional and even aggressive behavior when facing customers, how to communicate respectfully, and how to handle conflict with confidence.

Training dealing with aggressive customers

This training program explores practical strategies for managing aggressive behaviors of customers or employees, emotional regulation skills, and cultivating respectful interactions. Participants will learn how to respond with empathy, maintain composure under stress, and set healthy boundaries to prevent escalation. By developing active listening techniques and communication skills, they will create more collaborative environments. This program equips learners with methods to reduce tension and resolve aggression or conflict on the shop- or work-floor. Ultimately, they will gain the self-awareness and confidence needed to handle conflict in professional settings.


Learning outcomes

  • Employ de-escalation strategies for aggressive situations
  • Practice clear, confident, and empathetic communication
  • Learn more about emotional regulation skills
  • Create positive environments that foster understanding and respect
  • Workplace violence prevention training


Target audience

  • Shop managers who regularly manage customer de-escalations
  • Leaders who want to guide teams through conflict
  • Customer service teams dealing with challenging interactions
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