Effective leadership: “If you’ve got a brain, you’ve got a bias.”
In the Dutch BNR Podcast ‘Werkverkenners’, which roughly translates to ‘Work Explorers’, ...
A conversation about building strong teams with Cloetta x Relevance
Building strong teams within any organization takes concentrated, conscious effort. ...
Relevance wins the Best in Practice Award 2023
"Relevance has been awarded the Best in Practice Award 2023 in the Leadership/Management ...
20 years’ worth of lessons on change management
When Schouten & Nelissen and Relevance CEO Camiel Gielkens met with AutoGravity CEO ...
ARTICLE - Silence your inner critic with Positive Intelligence
We can’t control the challenges in life. However, we can control the way we respond to ...
Solidarity starts with the organizational culture
Tuesday 8 March 2022: International Women's Day. This year's theme is solidarity. Because ...
ARTICLE - Future leadership means creating your own success
As a leader, our CEO Camiel Gielkens always tries to remind himself why he does ...
3 questions to review your personal development
Our world is changing rapidly. Sometimes you might feel like you're not keeping up: the ...
ARTICLE - Trends in Learning and Development
Training through Teams, Apps and experience platforms. Personalized learning, ...